Thursday, March 5, 2020

Winter Solstice 2019

Winter Solstice 2019 Today, December 22nd is winter solstice, the shortest day of the year in 2019.   Winter solstice takes place on December 20th, 21st or as this year on December 22nd. Why? Ask one of our astronomy tutors.   To my Germanic ancestors winter solstice was reason to celebrate, because the darkest time of the year will soon be over as sun rays bring more warmth to our Earth. This festival was called Yule. Fathers walked into the woods with their sons to bring back the largest log they could find. For as long as the log would burn the Yule festival was on. This meant eating plenty of meat, drinking  copious  amounts of beer and telling ghost stories about Odin,  Frea  and Thor. Now these  customs  and stories are a part of European History.

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